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Traveling should never be a stressful experience for the travelers or the team that handles the process. A lot of people often encounter nasty surprises during their travels. One of the biggest hindrances to ease of traveling is booking error.  

Now error can be in various forms, for example – a room that was allotted during the booking was incorrect or there has been some change at the hotel which was not updated in the supplier system or it could also be just a simple change in the amenities that the hotel is providing. No matter what it is, an error like this will end up souring the experience for the traveler. 

Such an error results in agents losing their customers. It can cause monetary loss and damage to the brand’s reputation. Re- verifying booking information manually for every aspect of booking can be difficult and time consuming. However, technology makes this possible, easy and error free at a cost-effective rate through rePUSHTI an AI powered booking reverification engine. 

Things that can go wrong during booking  –
  • Incorrect Room Type
    Customer is allotted a room different from the type they booked.
  • Payment details not updated
    Customer’s payment details are either not registered or updated in case of changes.
  • Booking unavailable in hotel system
    Customer reaches the hotel and finds that their booking is not registered on the system.
  • Different hotel with same name
    Customer is booked at a different hotel than the one they were supposed to be booked at.  
  • More people show up at hotels
    Customer makes changes in the number of people who would be staying at the hotel, however changes in this group booking is not updated at the hotel.
  • Multiple bookings
    Multiple booking under that same name due to error that results in confusion
  • Hotel closed
    Bookings made in hotels that are temporarily or permanently closed.
Eliminating booking errors  

Booking error adds to the trouble of customers who have travelled and are looking forward to resting. Customers who face booking error not only lose their money but also lose confidence in travel agencies and companies that fail to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. Therefore, it is essential to avoid and eliminate the possibility. This is possible with rePUSHTI.   

What is rePUSHTI? 

rePUSHTI is a combination of two words wherein ‘PUSHTI’ means verification in Sanskrit and hence rePUSHTI means reverification. rePUSHTI has been created to help the travel industry offer services that will improve customer experience across the globe. rePUSHTI powers your business by reverifying your bookings without engaging any extra personnel.  

All of this at a fraction of the cost and powered by AI which eliminates the probability of manual error. With rePUSHTI, travel agencies, suppliers, properties and customers can be sure about the success of their bookings. rePUSHTI completely automates your booking re-verification process. 

What rePUSHTI does  
  1. It verifies all your bookings across 50 plus parameters which includes all the booking details of the passenger, the booking criteria, amenities, inclusions and all the data provided by the hotel in the system.  
  2. It notifies all the stakeholders of the successful reverification. You can send the reverification confirmation by mobile notification or mail notification or you can add an API into your system to show that the booking has been re-verified. 
Delivering added value with rePUSHTI 

Some of the biggest losses incurred in travel industry is that due to incorrect booking. rePUSHTI reduces such losses. Organizations and businesses that serve customers must ensure that customers get what they paid for. To get repeat business it is important to provide impeccable service.  

When a customer has a bad experience, it is important to mitigate it and mostly this is done by paying them compensation. However, no amount of money will rectify the poor image a customer may have due to their bad experience.  

By using rePUSHTI a travel agency can ensure great experience for the customers for every booking made through them. This will result in repeat business and a glowing recommendation which is a bonus for the agency. Giving customers a seamless, stress-free travel experience is one the best things a travel agency can provide.   

How can you get started with rePUSHTI? 

If you are a travel agency that wants to provide great travel experience here is how you can leverage rePUSHTI.   

Follow these simple steps.  
  • Register on the website ( with your requisite details.  
  • Connect your bookings API with rePUSHTI. You will start seeing your bookings  data in rePUSHTI 
  • Recharge your account with the desired amount.  

And now you are all set to reverify your bookings! 


rePUSHTI is a service from Qtech software.  rePUSHTI ’s unique framework connects with all suppliers and travel service providers anywhere, anytime at a fraction of your existing re-verification cost. To avoid booking errors and give your customers a great experience and delightful service utilize rePUSHTI. To know more about rePUSHTI click here

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